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Hávamál is one of the poems present in Konungsbók Eddukvæða or Codex Regius no. 2365, also known as Poetic Edda.
Although it is a text that is best understood when experiencing nordic faith and culture, Hávamál can be avail to all those who seek advice and wisdom.
The text uttered by Hárr (The High, Óðinn) discourses about many timeless themes, like hospitality, love, and friendship.
“Byrði betri
berr-at maðr brautu at
en sé mannvit mikit;
vegnest verra
vegr-a hann velli at
en sé ofdrykkja ǫls.”
“Better burden
no man carries in his way
then the mankind's wisdom;
the worst thing
is to be lead
by the ale's drunkenness”
11, Hávamál. Translation by Allan Marante
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SOURCE: Caminho Nórdico (Facebook)
Costa, Denise. “Hávamál”. Caminho Nórdico. Sao Paulo. 12 may. 2021. 11 aug. 2021. <>.
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