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who we are:

we are the publisher house registered under de Editorial Prefix: 81252 and the Management and Marketing Consultancy enroled under cnpj: 35.663.864/0001-78.

despite the fact the social objetives are distincts, we can unify expertise and excelency conquisted during editorial tasks and among the use of management and marketing skills. So, as a Publisher we can analize the necessary criterias to the mixelanius of knowledge areas as the academic, scientific, literancy and jornalistic.


in the Management and Marketing Consultancy, we try to purpose clean and smart soluctions to improve the success of our customers or, if necessary, interact in specific situations, witch need accured strategies, working side by side with the stakeholders and then, amplifying their vision in order to reduce the risks and to use the oppotunities.

Livros Vikings Editora Ltda.
Consultorias de marketing e gestão

our consultancies:

with multidisciplinary approach and knowledge, the viking books provide ways for your customers face the challanges and enjoy the oppotunities, making in use the follow consultant services:

Consultoria em gestão estratégica Livros Vikings


O IBSP é um cliente Livros Vikings
O Grupo FX é um cliente Livros Vikings
Agência Hugny é cliente Livros Vikings
Spartan Group é cliente Livros Vikings
UNIP Ourinhos é cliente Livros Vikings
Primebid é cliente Livros Vikings
UNIP é cliente Livros Vikings
Modelo Design é cliente Livros Vikings
Dialógica Editora é cliente Livros Vikings
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