Livros Vikings

30 de ago de 20212 min


Discovering two hoards of Viking silver within four months of each other on the Isle of Man was an "incredible feeling", a metal detectorist has said.

Kath Giles has been metal detecting for the past four Years. — MNH

Kath Giles found a collection of coins in April, after discovering several significant pieces of jewellery in December.

Ms Giles said she felt "disbelief" when unearthing the second find and said she had been "really lucky".

Both were declared treasure at Douglas Courthouse earlier this year.

Ms Giles took up metal detecting after retiring as a police officer four years ago, and said she "became obsessed" straight away.

"As soon as I heard the noise of finding a first target I knew then that it was for me. I think it was a piece of rubbish that I found, but that was it," she recalled.

The collection of Viking jewellery was found in December and declared treasure in February. — MNH

But the Viking Age items were not the first historical discoveries she has made since taking up the hobby.

She previously found a 4,000-year-old axe head and a 3,000-year-old Bronze Age sword, which are both on display in the Manx Museum in Douglas.

Those discoveries were followed by the collection of Viking jewellery, including a thistle-head silver broach and a gold arm ring, and a hoard of 87 coins and 13 pieces of cut silver, which were declared treasure at inquests in February and July respectively.

The silver coins were put on display in the Manx Museum's Viking gallery in July. — MNH

Reflecting on the latest find she said: "For me it's [when] you're holding something, the last time somebody touched that coin it was put in the ground, and I'm the first person to touch it afterwards.

"And I'm actually part of the history of the hoard itself because I've recovered that for members of the public and for the Isle of Man. It's an incredible feeling."

"I've been really lucky, I don't know why I've been able to find what I have."


“Metal detectorist's 'disbelief' at second viking find on Isle of Man”. BBC. London. 30 aug. 2021. 30 aug. 2021. <>.

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